Please send only the skins you are prepared to pay for within 10 days after we invoice them. We can no longer store finished orders and will start refusing to accept orders from companies with delinquent accounts.
Shipping Instructions
Only Ship via UPS or FedEx. We will not accept boxes sent from the Post Office.
• Put full business name and address on each package shipped.
• Always include a list of items and the number of each item that was shipped.
• Do not throw a list in the box with raw skins, where it will get grease and blood saturated and will therefore be unreadable. Enclose it in a small plastic bag (if put inside the box) or tape an envelope to the outside of the box with the list in the envelope.
• Always list the total number of boxes in each shipment.
• If more than one box is shipped. always mark on the box which number it is of the total number shipped. (Example: If six boxes were shipped, on the first write” I of 6″, next box write “2 of 6”, next box “3 of 6”, etc. up “6 of 6”). This lets us know how many were shipped, and if one is not delivered that day, we will know which one is missing and will take proper steps to locate it.
• Always use only one of our packing lists per shipment. Never put a list in every box in the same shipment. Always send one list per shipment with all the skins listed on that one sheet and the total number of boxes listed on that one-sheet
• Never attach staples, nails, wires, or plastic-coated wires to the skins. All tags (with the exception of tags on-ear butts) will be removed by us in order to shave every square inch of the skin. If you must tag the skins during the drying process. lo keep them identified, use string or the plastic electrical wire-ties. These will also be removed by us once we process the skins. So. once you punch your hides for your identification, we would appreciate it if you would remove all tags.
• All orders are to be shipped to Wilderness East End Tannery freight prepaid.